For A GREENer australia

Air pollutants such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, volatile organic compounds and benzene are emitted into the environment by motor vehicles. Air pollutants can contribute to urban air quality problems such as photochemical smog and adversely affect our health.

However, not all vehicles contribute the same amount of air pollution to the atmosphere. Green Vehicle Guide


Vehicle Emission Standards; all Talk and no Action

Since 2015 the Australian Government has been consulting on mandatory fuel emissions standards. It established a Ministerial Forum to coordinate Federal and State government approaches to addressing emissions from motor vehicles. The Forum included consideration of a fuel efficiency standard for light vehicles but has not yet made any decisions. The Forum intends to provide a draft implementation plan on potential measures for consideration by the Government.

Meanwhile, Australia continues to have no efficiency or carbon emissions standards for passenger vehicles, which cause the largest share of emissions, relying only on information programs such as the Green Vehicle Guide.

Nearly 80% of new passenger vehicles sold globally are currently subjected to some standards for greenhouse gas emissions or fuel economy, and with good reason.

Adopting strict standards could prevent up to the equivalent of 65m tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions by 2030, which is significantly more greenhouse gas pollution than New South Wales’ entire coal fleet produces in a year.

They would also considerably reduce car owners’ fuel bills, saving an estimated $8,500 over a vehicle’s lifetime.

The sooner this changes, the higher the impact. climateanalytics



At every service interval, you drive your vehicle in extremely hot conditions.

At every service interval you drive your vehicle in extremely hot conditions.

And then there’s Australian Conditions!

Australian conditions such as extreme heat and salty or dusty air contribute to premature problems in lubricated systems such as your typical petrol or diesel car.

Extreme heat hastens oxidation in all carbon-based fluids such as engine oil and fuel. Oxidation is the primary cause of premature engine oil breakdown.

Salt and dusty air will have an added worsening effect on lubricants.


Dust creates additional wear, and salt will speed up corrosion compounding the already problematic oxidation process.

Premature engine oil breakdown costs a lot money for vehicle owners.

Workshops now have the ability to offer a higher level of service through the BG Performance Service combatting Australian conditions. If they are not, professional service providers should consider this when providing a vehicle service to the general public. 


Australian low Fuel Quality

Most Australians are choosing cheaper fuel! 

In a recent market survey conducted by Stratas Advisors it was stated that 91 Octane fuel has a 69.5% market share in Australia. This means that seven out of ten vehicle drivers or workshop customers are refuelling their vehicles with the cheapest fuel available.

Australia's 91-octane standard fuel is allowed to have sulphur levels as high as 150 parts per million. The world standard in markets such as China, Europe, India and Japan is 10 ppm.

Make wise decisions at the fuel pump.

Make wise decisions at the fuel pump.

High sulphur levels in petrol create a contaminant coating on a car's underbody catalytic converter, significantly reducing its effectiveness to treat exhaust tailpipe emissions.

The federal government has recently postponed the date where oil refineries must produce the same low-sulphur petrol already mandated and used in major international markets such as Europe, Japan, China, and India.

Fuel in many developed countries is regulated to have a minimum amount of deposit control chemistry. 

The fuel octane rating does not indicate deposit control. It is often misunderstood that high octane fuel alone prevents deposits. New vehicles with sophisticated engine technology will need high-performance deposit control.

Australia's standard fuel grade also has a low octane level in comparison to international standards. As a result, many European cars imported here now can not use it, and increasingly fewer vehicles sold here will tolerate it.

National fuel quality standards have been under review for more than five years, with successive federal ministers avoiding the decision to mandate the high-quality petrol needed by vehicle manufacturers to achieve the cleanest European emission levels.

Not realised by the average Aussie, but as most Australians are driving around with low fuel quality they are in fact paying more in consumption and excessive deposit formation.

Tightening national emission standards would save money for vehicle owners. 

With the BG Performance Service you can have higher quality deposit control and with better deposit control you will save money.


about BG Products, Inc.


At BG Products our purpose is to ensure every vehicle owner is aware of the importance of automotive maintenance with high-quality products. 

BG Products, Inc. is the leading manufacturer and supplier of automotive fuel and oil conditioners, specialty chemicals, greases, tools and equipment in the world.

BG Products Inc. is the Number 1 aftermarket supplier that is sold exclusively through a worldwide network of distributors since 1971.

As an ISO Certified company, BG Products, Inc. is obligated to provide transparent and factual information. All products are tested and proven to provide the added benefit to equipment owners as stated by the product technical data sheet.

BG Products Inc. is ISO 9001, 14001, 17025 and 45001 certified.

BG Performance Service

The BG Performance Service is a three-part high quality maintenance service which forms part of your regular oil change. The BG Performance Service is designed to clean your engine's internal components and keep them clean before the next service. In addition, it is proven to effectively lower emissions and keep them intact during prolonged service intervals.

This professional service is designed for protection, protecting your engine during prolonged service intervals. BG Performance Service protects against performance loss and will save you money and the environment by reducing your vehicle’s harmful emissions. B Clean, B Protected, B Economic and B Conscious that you are doing the right thing for Australia.



CO2 is a greenhouse gas that has a high global warming potential (GWP). If any given service can reduce fuel and oil use, it will lower total CO2 emissions. Because of a direct definition of CO2 greenhouse gas environmental effects, we are not claiming to directly reduce CO2 emissions from the exhaust pipe according to our testing equipment.

We have substantial evidence that carbonised vehicles emit more harmful emissions than the same engine in a new-like condition. BG Performance Service is designed to clean vital parts of your engine and keep it clean during even extended service intervals (up to 15,000 km). It is proven to lower harmful emissions such as carbon monoxide and unburned hydrocarbons. Typical gases combined with air/fuel combustion are not optimal. BG Performance Service will control excessive fuel and oil consumption, prevent premature parts from breaking down and keep the overall performance of your vehicle intact. Hence, it will lower your carbon footprint.